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How Can BOTOX Treat TMJ Disorder?

September 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — adc4smilesteam @ 4:17 pm
Patient receiving BOTOX injection near her jaw

BOTOX is well-known for its cosmetic applications. Indeed, it has the potential to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles that result from decades of repeated facial movements. It could make you look years younger! But did you know that BOTOX also has some medical uses? In many cases, it can be an effective way to treat TMJ disorder. How can it do so? This blog post explains.

What Is TMJ Disorder?

TMJ disorder, which is also known as TMJ dysfunction or simply TMD, is a condition that afflicts the temporomandibular joint. This joint, which is located just in front of your ears, controls the movements of your lower jaw. When it becomes stressed, injured, or overworked, you may experience numerous symptoms, such as jaw pain, lockjaw, headaches, and more.

BOTOX and the TMJ

BOTOX contains a special type of toxin that can prevent muscle movements. When it is strategically injected into the muscles that control the jaw, it can help them to relax. It can relieve tension on the overworked TMJ and result in a significant reduction in pain, less frequent headaches, and other benefits.

One reason it works so well for treatment of TMD is related to teeth grinding. Many people with TMD unconsciously grind and clench their teeth, which can exacerbate their symptoms. BOTOX can greatly reduce teeth grinding. As an added bonus, it can force facial muscles to relax, which may prevent them from becoming overdeveloped. You might end up with a slimmer face!

BOTOX Often Works Alongside Other Therapies

Often, BOTOX works best as a TMD treatment when it is used as a complement for other therapies. For example, your dentist might recommend that you undergo a procedure known as equilibration or occlusal adjustment, which can slightly alter the way your upper and lower teeth fit together. Or, you might need to use an occlusal splint during sleep.

BOTOX can provide fast TMJ pain relief, but it does not last forever; it tends to wear off in several months. Other therapies might take longer to produce results, but since they aim to address the root cause of TMD, they can provide longer-term benefits. Therefore, BOTOX and other treatments often create the ideal way to find fast relief that stands the test of time.

BOTOX does more than enhance your appearance. It could be the key to relieving persistent jaw discomfort!

Meet the Practice

Advanced Dental Concepts in Crown Point features three talented dentists: Drs. Danny Hayes, Christine Mousa, and Uyen Vu. They provide a broad range of high-quality treatments for our community, including BOTOX and other TMJ therapies. If you are struggling with persistent jaw pain, our team is ready to assess the problem and recommend your next steps. Contact our office at 219-663-6878.

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